Friday, March 14, 2025

Kevin Hart In a Wheelchair After Racing Attempt with Ex-NFL Friend

What do you get when you put Kevin Hart and an ex-NFL player together in a barbecue? Well, you get a wheelchair and an injured comedian.

Kevin Hart posted a video on his Instagram saying, “Ladies and gentlemen, the age 40 is real. To all my men and women out there that are 40 years old and above…uh, it’s not a game. Respect that age. Respect that age or that age will make you respect it. I was just forced to respect it. … I tried to go out there and do some young man stuff and I was told to sit my a– down.”

In a seemingly innocent video, Kevin Hart starts by saying he and a good friend of his, ex-running back for the New England Patriots Stevan Ridley were at a barbecue when they had a little banter that turned into a debate. The question was, who was faster?

“This debate was based on who’s faster. Those who know me know, I’m pretty fast. Stevan said, ‘Kevin, ain’t no way you’re gonna beat me.’ Stevan is an ex-NFL running back [who] played for the New England Patriots. Very good guy.”

Now Hart, who is very outspoken about keeping himself fit, accepted the challenge of racing a 40-yard distance to prove his point that he’s faster than his athlete friend. And even though Hart regularly works out as shown on his social media, he is unable to outrun his buddy.

Kevin Hart

Hart revealed that he was injured from the foot race he instigated against his ex-NFL friend. He said that he tore some muscles in his abdomen area and his hip abductors. Muscle tears can be extremely painful and take a long time to heal, depending on the tear. So in the meantime, Kevin Hart has gotten himself a wheelchair since he can’t really walk due to his torn hip abductors.

“This is just a public service announcement because I know people may see me out. And I don’t want you to be alarmed, but I’m in a wheelchair. I’m in a wheelchair. Why? Well, because I tried to jump out there and do some young stuff…”

As for Stevan, he did apologize to Hart and they both seem to be in a good relationship. “I saw [Tom Brady] do it at your age, so I figured you had the juice too big bro. My bad, Heal up and keep making us all laugh.”

Suffice it to say, we won’t be seeing Kevin Hart on stage any soon. But of course, in true Kevin Hart fashion, he made a good story out of the accident, blaming his age for his failure. Keep in mind, that Kevin Hart is now 44 years old while Stevan is just 37 years old, so there is quite an age gap. That, and Stevan was an NFL player before, who was a running back. Stevan also compared Hart to Tom Brady, which is quite a stretch, since Brady himself is a renowned athlete. But really, we think Hart did the race for some good fun, never imagining his body failing to keep up with his spirit.